My favourite blogger... Joy (I know, I keep saying it about blogs - but joy the baker is seriously my favourite blog) decided to host a rooftop picnic in LA - Since most of her followers couldn't make it (geographic restrictions) she decided to "host" a virtual one at the same time. I decided I was up to the "challenge" and hosted my own picnic at home, here in Ottawa. On the menu - was Joy's Vegan Chocolate Cake with Avocado. I figured since Joy was the hostess with the mostess that I would bake something in her honour from her site.
I know one person for sure who is going to be excited by this recipe... my sister-in-law Pat and I spent last Sunday comparing chocolate mousse recipes - I use tofu for my mousse, she uses avocado. So I hope that Pat (and anyone else reading this) takes the chance to give this recipe a whirl... something different to shock your friends and family with :0)
Vegan Chocolate Cake with Avocado
thanks to Joy the baker
3 c. cake flour
6 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
2 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. sunflower oil
1/2 c. soft avocado, well mashed (about 1 medium avocado)
2 c. water
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tsp vanilla
Preheat your oven to 350 F. Grease (or spray) two 8 inch round cake pans and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine the oil, avocado, water, vinegar and vanilla - use a wooden spoon and not your electric mixer. Add the sugar, combining well.
In a smaller bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder and soda. Add to the wet ingredients. Stir everything to incorporate well.
Pour into the cake pans and bake for 35 minutes (or until the cake tester comes out clean). Allow to cool on a wire rack in the pans for 15 minutes - then remove them from the pans and allow to cool completely.
Now to frost the cake. Joy was inspired by Alton Brown's recipe. This frosting really pushes the baking limits - but is absolutely surprisingly good - I know - trust me and try it... and as Kailey said - when you add powdered sugar to anything, it's gotta taste good :0)
Avocado Frosting
2 ripe avocados
2 tsp lemon juice
1 lb (about 5 c.) powdered sugar, sifted
1/2 tsp vanilla
In a large bowl beat your avocados and lemon juice together (use your electric mixers, it makes it all much easier). Beat for about 2 minutes - the avocado will become creamy and will lighten up a little.
Add the powdered sugar, a little at a time, beating at medium speed continuously. Add the vanilla and incorporate well. You can either use it immediately or, place in the fridge (well stored until you're ready to use - same day though).
I let mine stand for 10 minutes on my counter, it thickened up a little. Using a rubber spatula, cover your bottom layer or cake with the frosting, top with the top layer of cake and cover that with with remaining frosting.
The result - a chocolate cake with bright green frosting! Too cool... I think it'll be perfect to try again at halloween :0)
Oh yeah - and the virtual picnic was a BLAST - thanks ladies for joining in the fun! I hope Joy decides to do this again soon!
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