It's official!!!! Friday nights at the Whalesbone! Charlotte has taken me on in the prep kitchen... I'm seriously excited.
I'd like to take this opportunity to officially introduce you to Charlotte and Jenna; Charlotte is wearing the hat, Jenna is laughing hysterically. Say hello :0)
Now I'd like to introduce you to the other amazing chef I got to work with at the Whalesbone. Chloé (the pretty lady with the stinging nettle).
Remember how I got to bread 60 lbs of haddock on my own last time? Well this time I was greeted with a list of tasks... along with a friendly face and another set of hands.
I'm lucky enough to hang out with some pretty awesome people... Chloé is one of those people. We both love food (we met on an excursion to China Town and have been kindred spirits ever since), eating it, working with it... being surrounded by it. So I was stoked that she was going to join me in the prep kitchen.
Thank goodness!!!! Charlotte and Jenna provided us both with lists; prep for the savoury meals and prep for the sundae bar (best dessert idea EVER)... which grew when the local farmer stopped by and provided Charlotte with all sorts of beautiful greens.
I left the cleaning of the morels and the butchering of the sable fish to Chloé (who seemed perfectly happy with those tasks), and I helped out with making a batch of maraschino cherries (bright red and juicy...sigh), packing away all the incredible sundae toppings (freshly baked brownie, sponge toffee), chopping up fresh fruit and cleaning some stinging nettle for future use (I think Charlotte ended up with about 10 lbs of the nettle... imagine how light that is, and how much you need to make up that amount).
We both pitched in and started the base for a pesto - Chloé diced while I blended. Team effort...and check out how impressively green it looks!
Obviously I was there for the sundaes :0) Plating sundaes is AWESOME. But I'll blog about that next time. Today is all about thanking Chloé for an amazing evening in the kitchen... and Charlotte and Jenna for being such outstanding chefs...and simply great people.
If you're ever on Bank and Gladstone you should pop in... their food is worth it. I promise.
HaHaha Lynne you are amazing, tank YOU for the sweet company that night, I<m looking forward to working with you again. xxx
that sounds awesome! i told rob and we are going to try out the whalesbone sometime in the near future. miss working with you!!!
:) lindsay
ps. how's the new place now that you're all moved in?
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